Deity of Dandabhanga Gopinath

Dandabhanga river

Actually, the mysterious Dandabhanga pastime of Lord Caitanya was also witnessed by one of the lenkas (confidential spies of the King), who had, in turn, returned back and informed the King about this news. It was informed that an effulgent young sannyasi from Gaudadesha (Bengal) named Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu had just arrived to Puri, performing a mysterious pastime. When both the King and Queen heard, about this they became over joyous and excited. They immediately developed a strong desire to visit the site. They visited the siteand the King, after being strongly prompted from within, installed the glorious Deity of The Supreme Lord, Sri Sri Danda bhanga Gopinath. He had also erected a small temple for His Supreme Lordship to stay.

Dandabhanga river

The temple of Sri SriDandabhangaGopinath:

There are ample amount of evidences that confirms the arrival of King Prathap Rudra Dev along with his wife to this site in order to establish the Deity of Danda bhanga Gopinath. Among them, some of the most prominent ones are as follows: 1. It is a known fact that King Prathap Rudra Dev was present on the planet when Mahaprabhu was performing this pastime. 2. It has been evidently mentioned in the most bonafide record book of the Sri Jagannath mandir, named Madalapanji, that the King of Puri, Maharaja PrathapRudra Dev along with his wife Jankadei had visited this site and established the Deity of Lord Danda bhanga Gopinath. 3. In accordance with the revenue records of Puri District, 500 years ago, this place was known as Kamalapura. But now, it is divided into 2 shasanas (sectors), which are named as Viraprathap pur and Jankadeipur respectively. These two shasanas were named after the King and Queen of Puri (i.e. King Vira Prathap Rudra Dev and his Queen Jankadei), especially to memorialize their visit to this site, 500 years ago.

Dandabhanga river

The installation ceremony of the Deity of Sri Sri Danda bhanga Gopinath by the devotee King Raja PrathapRudra Dev, 500 years ago.