Sri Azhagiya Singar Perumal Temple is half kilometer from Sri Ashtabhuja temple. This temple is the 46th Divya Desam dedicated to Lord Vishnu.
After ferocious demon Sharabha (snake) was killed by Sri Ashtabhuja Perumal, all the demons gathered and were harassing Lord Brahma to do everything possible to stop his yajna. Then Lord Nrsimhadeva appeared on the call of Brahma. The Lord chased the asuras away and decided to stay here out of His own desire to continue protecting His devotees. Since the Perumal himself wished to stay there to help his devotees, this sthalam is known as "Vellukkai". “Vel” means wish with pure affection or love and “ukkai” means satisfying. To ride away the asuras, Lord Nrsimhadeva sits in Yoga position facing west direction as "Yoga Narasima".Sri Vaishnava acarya, Vedanta Desikar had praised Perumal in his celebrated Kamasikashtakam (Kamaasi: Kama + Aasika – standing on His own wish). The vimana above the sanctum sanctorum of Lord Nrsimhadeva is called Kanaka Vimanam. Sage Brugu had worshipped Perumal in this temple. Sri Sudarsana Chakkarathazhwar the deity of Lord Vishnu’s disc graces from a shrine in the outer corridor. Garuda in the Nrsimhadeva shrine appears with his head slightly on a side as if unable to bear the fury of the Lord. The temple is also known as Kamashika Narasimha Sannadhi.